Wednesday, November 5, 2008


well nothing really exciting these past weeks just school and...well ya geometry is still kicking my butt like all beyond but hey its knowledge right(gasp) anywho next week are finalls ekkozoid iam in 5th gear trying to study for them all and iam hoping ill pass them and dodo me and stetzen are still together has been for 11 weeks now yay and still going anywho hopes everyone has a balst on your cruz while iam stiilll here in idaho frezzing my bahukie off love ya all!!!


Jackson & Trish Whitehurst said...

Oh bert we are not going on a cruz, we will be on land the whole time! But you will be missed! And remember to study, study and study! Good Luck!

jeff and char said...

you crack me up bert, study your little heart out!